“We never know the worth of water till the well is dry”.      

The world is facing an atmospheric changes as the accumulation of green house, gases and resultantly increasing temperature, water security, biodiversity lose, food insecurity and much more.

Climate changes refer to the long term shifts in temperature and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, but since 1800, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil and gas) which produces heat trapping gasses.

Water scarcity is the resultant of climate change. Water scarcity is the lack of fresh water resources to meet the standard water demand. There are two types of water scarcity: physical and economic water scarcity Physical water scarcity is where there is not enough water to meet all demands, including that needed for ecosystems to function efficiently. On the other side economic water scarcity is caused by the lack of investment in infrastructure or technology to draw water from the natural resources. Water scarcity started in 1800s. Water shortage first appear in this time period. (Dr.Snow, 1854)

Dr.Jhon Snow discovered the link between water and the spread of cholera during an outbreak in London, and after this in 1900s, more than 11 billion people have died from drought, and drought has affected more than 1 billion people. Water scarcity already affected every continent and around 2.8 billion people around the world at least one month out of every year. More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking water (Nabi, 2022)

These are so many causes of water scarcity. Human activity is the measure cause of the water scarcity due to the use of fossil fuels that after climate and weather activity, as well as the rapid increase in global population consuming more water. In order to provide for a going population dams, and irrigation systems are built to supply fresh water to remote areas. Overuse and wastage of water, a global rise in fresh water demand, and overuse of aquifers and its consequent slow recharge are also some human causes of water scarcity.

Increasing global temperature water to evaporate in large amounts, which will lead to a higher levels of atmospheric water vapors and more frequently, heavy and intense rains in future. Additional effects of global climate changed that have implication for water resource also includes high proportion of precipitation received as rain, rather than snow, earlier and shorter runoff seasons increased water temperatures, and decreased water quality in both island and coastal areas.

All the creature living on the mighty planet are affected by the water scarcity including animals, plants, and the most important human beings. Women and children are the most affected-children because they are more vulnerable to decreases caused by dirty water and women because they often bear the burden of carrying water for their families for an estimated 200 million hours each day. Pakistan’s water crisis is explained mainly by rapid population growth followed by climate change (floods and droughts), poor agriculture and infrastructure. Some effects of the water scarcity crisis in Pakistan are’ less crop yield, the high crop production is already damaged due o the water shortage in Pakistan. Fewer crop yields ultimately result in economic crisis as well as food insecurity.

Pakistan is facing a serious water crisis. The country is rapidly moving from being classified as water stressed to water “scarce” and its annual water availability fall below 1000 cubic meter per percent. It may infect how already crossed the Baluchistan is one of the areas which has shortage of water and the main cause of water scarcity are mismanagement of water for production, irrigation, excessive number of solar tube wells installation, and ignorance of government on water resources.

Even though Pakistan is the most resourceful country in the world, but due to mismanagement and large consumption they are facing water scarcity. Pakistan is on the fourth number in the list of a large consumers of water, and in future can face many severe problems (Nabi 2022).

It is assumed that due to mismanagement and large consumption world will face water shortage in future. By 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population may face water shortage, between 2050 and 2100, there is an 85 percent chance of drought in the central plains and southwestern United States lasting 35 years or more.

We have to stop the unusual consumption of water to save our world from facing the water scarcity. The religion Islam also teaches us to take care of our world and not to consume much water. The prophet (PBUH) once said “Both “israf “and “tabdhir” are haram (prohibited in Islam)”.

There are some strategies to stop and manage water scarcity.

Installing special tanks that store rain water for irrigation.

Using drip irrigation for more efficient watering.

Establishing schools for farmers where they learn how to adopt to climate change with drought resistant crops, crop rotation, and sustainable ways t0 raise livestock.

Starting seed banks to distribute local seeds more tolerant to extreme drought and rainfall (I. Bruke, 2016).

In conclusion, water is a great blessing of Almighty, thousands have lived without love, not one without water (Auden).water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water is important we have to save it for our upcoming generations as AUDERY HEPBURN quotes that “water is life , and clean water is health “and pure water is world’s first and foremost medicine so, SAVE WATER SAVE LIFE.

                 (Ahmer Saeed )


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